Well, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that for many years, the use of Fentanyl has been one of the biggest issues across the globe. The concerning fact about this is- the situation is getting worse as there is no betterment. No denying, every day, there is a new case about fentanyl overdose, individuals getting arrested, hefty shipments getting seized, and so on. We understand it is hard to digest the news stories and buzz that has been circulating in every nook and corner. Therefore, to give you some real insights, we will shed some light on the quick facts related to Fentanyl. But before we move on, it is crucial to understand what Fentanyl is?

Fentanyl belongs to the group of medications known as opioid agonists. Alike other opioids, it is typically prescribed to cure unbearable chronic pains. This kind of opioid is generally given to cancer patients. It impacts the brain and changes how an individual’s body feels and reacts to agony.

The Quick Facts-

  • It’s Noxious And Rapid: It is correct to say that the use of Fentanyl is 100 times more lethal than morphine and hundred times powerful than heroin. It is so impactful that even just two milligrams of it can make you high. When consumed or overdosed, within few minutes it can travel to the brain and can lead to severe breathing issues or respiratory failure. Fentanyl addiction is fatal. There have been plenty of cases, where addicts never wake up after gulping a pill.
  • It’s Highly Habit-forming: Alike other opioids, fentanyl is exceptionally addictive. Lots of individuals who are on it have reported that they have felt the carving only after one use. In addition to this, many regular users have got trapped in its addiction (fentanyl addiction) where they want more and more to get the same high!
  • It is Mixed Into Other drugs: Fentanyl can be discovered into various other drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and oxycodone. If truth be told; individuals who think they are investing in purchasing oxycodone will actually be getting Fentanyl. This particular drug is odorless, has no taste, and it’s invisible. Hence, the only way to know whether you are taking drugs or not is by using a testing kit.
  • It Is Killing Humans: As we have already mentioned that even the two milligrams can make you high, it is not flabbergasting why people are dying. Individuals are consuming fentanyl unknowingly via other drugs. And those who are consuming it intentionally usually sup non-pharmaceutical street fentanyl manufactured by an amateur chemist. This suggests that impurities and toxicity are higher in the non-pharmaceutical fentanyl than pharmaceutical fentanyl. Additionally, dealers generally combine it with caffeine, meth, or heroin, which as a result expands the probability of a negative reaction or overdose.

So, these were some of the quick facts related to fentanyl. On the off chance, if you are still unsure or need any assistance, please reach out to us hassle-freely.