Are you aware that deaths due to opioid addiction and overdose are rising significantly? Drugs related deaths are common among men, women, and adults of all ages across the world. But you can help your loved ones enjoy a free life by making sure they go through the treatment for relief from such addiction. Suboxone treatment is a manageable option when it comes to treating opioid addiction. Suboxone is an opioid antagonist containing naloxone and buprenorphine. Mentioned below are a few advantages of getting suboxone treatment from a clinic.

Opiate Addiction

  1. Minimal risk of abuse: Someone who visits a suboxone treatment clinic for treatment of addiction to opiate drug/drugs is not likely to substitute one addiction with another. It has been seen that when patients are administered methadone for recovery from addiction, they may develop a dependency on this medicine instead. Suboxone, on the other hand, contains naloxone which reverses opioid overdose; it cannot be taken for a complete opioid effect. Doctors highly recommend suboxone because it fills the opioid receptors present in the brain without producing the euphoric high that addicts receive when they take drugs. If taken as per the doctor’s prescription, it is impossible to be abused and the presence of naloxone ensures the users deter from dissolving the medication to inject it into their body. If Suboxone is injected into the body, it will result in the occurrence of severe withdrawal symptoms. Understandably, opiate addicts will only take it orally.


  1. Private and approachable: Despite facing the issues of addiction, visiting a suboxone treatment clinic daily is not possible for many of such opiate users. To this end, suboxone medicine, when prescribed by the doctor, can be taken home and consumed as per the doctor’s recommended dose; you don’t need to get admitted in the hospital. You are free to carry out all your responsibilities and chores as usual while following the treatment with conviction. The details of the treatment are kept private and you get to report to your job and enjoy family time as usual.


  1. High success ratio: Suboxone treatment is known to decrease cravings and minimize withdrawal symptoms. The success rate of getting over opiate addiction through the use of suboxone medicine is high. The use of this medicine discourages abuse and users find it easier to stick with the program. Since it is a partial opioid agonist, it doesn’t produce the euphoric high that opiate drugs do but still fills the brain’s receptors. Consequently, the treatment involves lowering of suboxone doses to make the patient completely free from drug use.


  1. Affordable: Suboxone treatment is a far more cost-effective option as against other options of dealing with opiate drug addiction. In some cases, suboxone treatment cost is even covered under the insurance plan. Considering that relieving yourself from drug addiction is a life-changing incident, the cost of suboxone treatment is totally worth it.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from the addiction of some opiate drug, find a suboxone treatment clinic near you and seek medical help at the earliest.