Lortab is a marketing term for a medication that contains both acetaminophen and hydrocodone. This medicine is prescribed by doctors to relieve moderate to critical pain. Lortab is classified as a narcotic medicine with a high risk of dependency since it contains hydrocodone, which is an opioid. Lortab is frequently provided as a short-term pain reliever, such as after surgery, injury, or certain dental operations. Doctors may, however, prescribe it to treat severe coughs. Long-term use of Lortab can develop into an addiction, necessitating Lortab addiction treatment.

How are opioid-based drugs harmful? 

Parts of the poppy plant are used to make opioid drugs. They can also be synthesized by physicians and illegal drug makers. These drugs bind to opioid receptors in your brain and prevent neurons from delivering pain signals. It simultaneously makes you feel wonderfully rested and pleased.

Opioid medicines are effective in the short term because they alleviate the pain that would otherwise be excruciating. However, they do carry a substantial danger of dependence. As a result, if you take them for a lengthy period of time, you may develop an addiction to them, including Lortab.

Your body develops a natural tolerance to opioids like Lortab. As a result, increasing amounts of the medication are required to create the initial effect. If you used to take one pill to ease pain, you must now take two. The longer you use of certain medications, the more tolerant your body becomes to them. As a result, it’s all too simple to inadvertently overdose on these potent opioids.

One of the issues with medicines like Lortab is that they slow your breathing to make you feel calm and comfortable. In other words, they reduce your heart rate and make you drowsy. If you overdose on opioids and then sleep, you may not recognize that your heart rate has slowed to hazardous levels. It may eventually stop beating entirely, and you may never wake up.

What is Lortab addiction?

Lortab addiction occurs when you use the medicine in ways different than those prescribed by your doctor, or when you use it for an extended length of time. Your body develops a need for the substance. As a result, if you don’t take it, you get sick. Lortab withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Panicked feelings
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Excessive sweating
  • Seizures

Lortab can be difficult to discontinue for these reasons. The pain becomes so unbearable that you’ll do everything to get rid of it. Lortab addiction therapy is the only option at this stage.

Where can you find Lortab addiction treatment?

Your city is most likely to have opioid treatment clinics that can help you with Lortab addiction. Addiction Rehab Centers differ from other treatment centers in that they treat patients. Addiction Rehab Centers, unlike other programs that promote a 12-step method, emphasize interpersonal interactions. They engage with people in a healthy way, which diminishes the desire to self-medicate. Therapies from rehabs assist patients in developing a variety of beneficial characteristics, such as:

  • Endurance
  • Adaptability
  • Feelings of security
  • Have faith in others
  • Emotional control
  • Stress management that is healthy

Patients become better able to deal with life and all of its obstacles by addressing addiction at its root and developing innovative and healthier methods of self-expression if they take Lortab addiction treatment.