Are you addicted to heroin? Do you want to get rid of this life sapping addiction but feeling anxious how to quit it? If so, before you go on quitting this nasty habit, you need to know precisely about heroin addiction and Heroin withdrawal symptoms.

What is heroin addiction?

Heroin is a highly addictive illegal drug. It has one of the most serious addiction rates of all illegal drugs. People who are fond of taking this highly addictive drug can never know the actual strength of the heroin and the true contents of the drug. This is the reason that they are at a higher risk of taking overdose and then falling trap to its addiction.

What is Heroin Withdrawal?

Heroin withdrawal is a stage where the addicts decide to reduce or quit the use of this drug abruptly. The moment an addict stops taking this drug, the withdrawal symptoms gets visible during the 6 to 24 hours of last use.

These symptoms significantly differ from person to person depending on the user’s amount of drug used, length of usage as well as other crucial factors like how he/she used to take it. Sometimes these symptoms are quite mild that often get ephemeral after a few days but sometimes they are so severe in nature that take days to take their effects off. To stay safe from any sort of severe withdrawal symptoms and make a recovery process a soothing journey, there should be a medical professional to supervise your withdrawal process. This medical professional may suggest the right therapy and treatment to the heroin addicts.

What are the possible Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms?

Anyone going through the tough phase of quitting heroin may have to deal with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. When an addict decides to quit the intake of heroin, he/she may experience several sorts of withdrawal symptoms. Here is a list of some of the most expected symptoms that an addict may have to handle during the recovery process.

  • Feeling of restlessness
  • Frequent yawning
  • Feeling feverish
  • Chills or cold sweats
  • Constipation
  • Malaise
  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Teary eyes
  • Body cramps
  • Painful erection of penis
  • Vomiting

Some heroin users may also experience the symptoms like…..

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Disturbance in sleep
  • Diluted pupils
  • Depression

Can an addict die from heroin withdrawal?

Of course, you can’t die due to the heroin withdrawal symptoms, severe complications could be life threatening and you will find yourself in a situation where seeking for the immediate emergency assistance would be absolutely essential.

Here are some of the serious side effects of the heroin withdrawal –

  • Seizures
  • Respiratory problems

A seizure can lead to the failure of a respiratory and cause the death of the addicts. Therefore, it is vitally crucial for anyone suffering from heroin addiction to seek immediate medical help when planning to quit the use of heroin.

How to attain a safe recovery from heroin addiction?

If you want to achieve a safe recovery from heroin addiction, it is highly advisable that you rely on a reputed rehab center or a rehab specialist. A rehab specialist can really assure you of a safe recovery journey as he is fully equipped with knowledge, skills and tools that are critically important to help you finish each phase of the rehab treatment program. Heroin addicts who opt to undergo a complete rehab treatment under the supervision of a medical expert are likely to recover from their addiction in a safer way and live a sober life.